Investigation of all the laboratories of the institute in the strategic technologies laboratory network
Description: The laboratories of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute was placed in the list of the top 20 strategic technologies laboratory network
According to the public relations of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, the fourth assessment period for the member centers of the Presidential Strategic Technology Laboratory Network was ended with the competition of 262 laboratories from 174 centers. The Laboratories of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute was placed in the list of the top 20strategic technologies laboratory network. Centers which are definite members of thestrategic technologies laboratory network are annually investigatedbased on the evaluation instruction of this network which is designed to create a healthy and constructive competitive environment in order to improve the quality of laboratory services and increase their scientific capabilities.
The performance of these network laboratories centers is measured based on three macro indicators: "Lab Function," "Customer Orientation," and "Network Collaboration."
Source of news: Department of Standardization and Technical Supervision of Laboratories

Saturday 18 Aug 2018
Author: Public relations of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute
Visit Count:361