The military exercise of the Ashura power of the Muhammad Rasool Allah armies
Description: One hundred thousand Basij members along with the community of 700,000 Basij members nationwide renewed their allegiance with the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Armed Forces at Azadi Stadium

In the national military exercise of the Basij members that was held at Azadi Stadium on Thursday morning, dated 4 October 2018, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the specific circumstances of the country and the region in his speech at the Grand Basij gathering at Azadi Stadium and mentioned: The leaders of world arrogance and the ruthless government of America impose challenges on us that must be confronted. Our nation is never willing to surrender.

It should be noted that a group of Basij members from the Basij base of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute actively participated in the national military exercise of the Basij members along with the other devotee members of Basij.

Tuesday 9 Oct 2018
Author: Public relations of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute
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