Visiting the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute
Description: Visiting the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute by a delegation of the strategic technology laboratory network

A group of experts from the strategic technology laboratory network, led by Ms. Fattah, visited the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute. The heads of research departments and technical directors of the subsections laboratories provided explanations on the activities of their respective departments and responded to the questions asked. The research activities of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute in the field of fisheries sciences began in 1982, and gradually developed into issues related to the environment and marine ecology. The institute currently has ecological, biological, stock assessment, aquaculture, genetics and aquatic health and disease departments covering a total of 12 research laboratories. The research institute is the definitive member of the strategic technology laboratory network and its laboratories have been covered by the quality management system of the test labs based on ISO/ IEC 17025 since 2008.

Sunday 6 Jan 2019
Author: Public relations of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute
Visit Count:570