Specialized gathering
Description: Holding the specialized gathering of the department of aquatic health and diseases in 2019

The specialized gathering of the department of aquatic health and diseases of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute was held at the session hall of the institute with the presence of the deputy director of research and technology of the institute, the managers and experts of the department of aquatic health and diseases of the institute, the manager of information and scientific communication of the institute and the representatives of the affiliated research centers and research institutes to the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute. The purpose of this gathering was to review the activities and activities and performance of the affiliated research centers and research institutes to the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute in the field of aquatic health and diseases, and to raise the important issues in the field of current and future activities. At this gathering, were provided by each research center/ institute on the following issues:

* Achievements related to aquatic health and diseases at the research institute/ center over the past 10 years.

* The performance of the research institute/ center in relation to aquatic health and diseases over the past 10 months (including projects, research and development projects, articles, publications, business achievements and income -generating, educational and promotional activities).

* Shortcomings and problems in the field of aquatic health and diseases of the research institute/ center (including structural, credit, personnel and equipment).

* Announcement of future programs and suggestions for work to improve the quantity and quality of activities.

The main topics discussed include the need for developing cooperation and interaction with unions and executive organizations such as the Iran Veterinary Organization and the Iran Fisheries Organization, membership in the advisory and scientific-technical committees of these organizations to enhance the effectiveness of inter-organizational cooperation, further efforts to develop and prepare the executive instructions from projects and to promote them, developing research on the production of vaccines and diagnostic kits for aquatic diseases, holding regular annual specialized meetings of the department of aquatic health and diseases, continuation of outstanding projects performed this year, the most important work priorities in the coming year, estimation and supply of equipment, personnel and laboratory space of the affiliated research centers and research institutes to the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, issues related to climate change crises and water efficiency, casualties and recurrent and emerging threatening diseases in the aquaculture industry, the focus on organizing and strengthening the scientific and specialized fields and the facilities of some research institutes and research centers on research activities in the field of aquatic health and diseases, development of applied research and laboratory production of probiotics and environmentally friendly materials for introduction into the aquaculture industry, further research to provide the final product from medicinal plants and marine algae stimulating the immune system and preventing the occurrence of aquatic diseases and trying to solve the problems of the shrimp and fish farming and processing industries. At the end of the meeting, the colleagues of headquarters and affiliated research institutes and research centers presented their views and final conclusion was made by the head of the department of aquatic health and diseases.

Saturday 26 Jan 2019
Author: Public relations of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute
Visit Count:1187