Vol. 12,No. 2, April 2013
Analysis of saline activator solution effects on sperm quality indices of Barbus sharpeyi by Image J
Description: 1- Faculty of Marine Sciences and Natural Resourse, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O.BOX: 46414, Noor, Iran. 2- South Iran Aquaculture Research Center, P.O.BOX: 866/61645, Ahvaz, Iran. *Corresponding author's email: kalbassi_m@modares.ac.ir
Regarding low fertilization rate of Barbus sharpeyi, one of the main Barbus species in south of Iran, saline activator solutions (SAS 1 and 2) were used for increasing of sperm activation and its sperm quality indices were assessed by using Image J software as a fish sperm adapted tools. SAS1 (45mM NaCl, 5mM KCl, 30mM Tris, 188±2.3 mOsmol/kg) and SAS2 (50mM NaCl, 30mM KCl, 30mM Tris, 189±1.7 mOsmol/kg) were added to a mixture of 12 male semen comparing with distilled and tap water and their effects on VCL, VSL, ALH, Linearity,%motility, spermatozoa path,% A, B and C spermatozoa type, fertilization, hatching and deformity rate were analyzed in triplicate. Results showed that SAS2 had the highest VCL (21.37±0.36 µm/s), VSL (11.6±0.3 µm/s) and motility percentage (85.75±1.56%) among treatments. The highest A type spermatozoa percentage was recorded for SAS1 (47.16±3.15%) and SAS2 (43.89±4.54%). The lowest C type spermatozoa percentage was recorded using SAS2 (14.24±1.56%). Also, the highest fertilization rate was achieved from SAS2 (79.5±0.37%) and SAS1 (77.74±4%) respectively. Furthermore the lowest larval deformity rate (13.77±1.03%) was shown due to the use of SAS2. Final conclusion confirmed that SAS1 and SAS2 have positive and significant effects (P< 0.05) on extending the time length of sperms movement, VCL and VSL of B. sharpeyi which consequently resulted in better efficiency of propagation of this species in south of Iran.

Thursday 7 May 2015
Author: Kalbassi M. R.*1; Lorestani R.1; Ghafle Maramazi J.2
KeyWord: Sperm, Saline activator solution, Fertilization, Barbus sharpeyi, Iran
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