Vol. 13,No. 3, July 2014‌
Classification of sex and maturity stages of farmed great sturgeon (Huso huso) using blood plasma st
Description: 1 – International Sturgeon Research Organization of the Caspian Sea, 2 – Sturgeon Propagation and Restocking of the Shahid Beheshti Complex *Corresponding author's email: Rezkazemi2000@yahoo.com
Twenty four farmed great sturgeon,Huso huso (including 8 males and 16 females) over 6 years old were used to develop a method for determination of sex and maturity stages. Seasonal gonadal tissue and blood samples were collected from farmed great sturgeon for three years. The sex and stages of maturity were determined by histology and laparoscopy at the beginning and end of experiment. Plasma sex steroid hormone levels[testosterone (T), 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P)] were measured by radioimmunoassay, and plasma calcium ion levels were measured by spectrophotometer. Mean concentrations of testosterone, progesterone and estradiol in blood plasma ofH. huso at maturity stages II, III and IV were 10.86±1.63, 54.14±3.1, 112.41±7.4; 0.84±0.12, 15.66±2.18, 50.75±3.63 ng/ml in males and 9.0±1.39, 6.51± 0.64, 2.95±2.29, 5.45±0.29, 9.47±0.97 and 4.15±0.7 ng/ml in females, respectively. Testosterone and estradiol levels showed significant differences at various stages. Calcium level at stages II, III and IV of sexual maturity in females (8.05 ± 0.09, 10.4 ± 0.34 and 9.6 ± 0.6 mg/dl) was more than males (7.73 ± 0.16, 8.58 ± 0.13 and 8.76 ± 0.11 mg/dl). Results showed that steroid hormone concentration and calcium level of blood plasma in males and females vary between different stages of sexual maturity. Therefore it can be used to determine the stages of sexual maturity in farmedH. huso.

Monday 4 May 2015
Author: Kazemi R.1*; Yousefi Jourdehi A.1; Pourdehghani M.1; Dejhandian S.1;Hallajian A.1; Bahmani M.1; Moh
KeyWord: : Farmed Huso huso, Males and females, Sexual hormones, Calcium, Maturation stage.
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