Vol. 11,No. 4, October 2012
Population structure of Killifish, Aphanius anatoliae (Cyprinodontidae) endemic to Anatolia in Lake
Description: Süleyman Demirel University, Eğirdir Fisheries Faculty, 32500 Eğirdir - Isparta/ Turkey
The population structure of Aphanius anatoliae in Lake Eğirdir-Isparta-Turkey was studied, using 522 fish monthly in 2008. This study were observed in the number of individuals of each sex, age, weight and size compositions. In addition, the total length-weight relationship was calculated as well as the Von Bertalanffy growth equation. A study of the food uptake throughout the year has been carried by examination of the content of the digestive track. Males made up 51.92%, and females 48.08% of the population. The length-weight relationship and Von Bertalanffy growth equation were estimated as W= 0.0232 e 0.098L, r=0.8262, Lt= 54.51 (1 – e –0.279 ( t+1.345)), respectively. Bacillariophyta, Gammarus pulex and aquatic insecta are the major food items for Aphanius anatoliae.

Sunday 10 May 2015
Author: Salim Serkan Guclu
KeyWord: Anatolia, Killifish, Endemic, Growth, Feeding
Visit Count:680