Homeopathic Remedies as a treatment against fish and other creatures diseases
Description:Date of issue:2011 Book

Homeopathy or " Similar Therapy " is a phylum of " Alternative Medicines " that belongs to 7000 years ago. Dr. Bograt ( 2500 years before the Jesses Birthday ), had used homeopathic remedies to cure his patients. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann ( 1755-1843 ) who was a German physician and chemist, proved homeopathic remedies on himself and stabilized the symptoms occurred during different diseases. His philosophical and principal book is " Organon of Medicines " which means " rules of homeopathy " .

Nowadays, homeopathy is accepted as a safe therapy in the world. Homeopathic remedies are natural, without any side effects for curing acute and chronic diseases of humans, animals and herbs.

There is some homeopathic center in the world that is working on animal diseases like:

- International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy.

- European Committee for Homeopathy.

- The Faculty of Homeopathy (UK).

- The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons.

Also there are some articles about veterinary homeopathy such as:

- Evaluation of homeopathic therapy in Osteoarthritis, A study conducted by CCRH.

- Avian influenza (Bird Flu)& homeopathy, 1997.

- A systematic review of homeopathic pathogenetic trials from 1945 to 1995.

- Role of homeopathy in migraine in adolescence, 1997-2002.

-Streptococcus iniae infections in Asian Aquaculture, 2003.

- Homeopathic .Medicines for Your Pets – Dog and Cat Herbal Remedies and Health Care, 2010.

Homeopathy is a truly" holistic therapy ", working with mind and body in the context of its environment and lifestyle and has been used in animals for at least 190 years.

All species; cats, dogs, horses, ponies, birds, goats, fish, and wild animals such as buffalo, tiger, reptiles,… respond successfully to these remedies.

In this book, I introduced some of homeopathic remedies with their illustrations and usages.

Author:Maryam Salehi
Visit Count:712