Vol. 14,No. 4, October 2015
The availability of sugar beet molasses as a substitutive medium for cultivation of Nannochloropsis sp. Hibberd, 1981 (Eustigmatophyta)
Description:Turkish Standards Institution, 06100 Ankara, Turkey *Corresponding author’s email: satayeter@tse.org.tr
An area of major concern in fish hatcheries is the provision of a dependable, nutritionally complete, economical food source for the fish larvae. In hatcheries, fish are raised from the eggs to the juvenile stages, until they are suitable for transfer to ponds or cages. Microalgae feeds are currently used in relatively small amounts in aquaculture, mainly for the production of larvae and juvenile shell- and finfish, as well as for raising the zooplankton required for the feeding of juvenile aquatic animals. Microalgae are the most important phytoplankton used as larval food (Benemann, 1992; Granvil, 1995; Hertrampf and Piedad-Pascual, 2000; INVE, 2010).
Author:Atayeter S.*
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