Vol.15, No.3, July 2016
Effects of induced spawning on early development in snout otter clam, Lutraria philippinarum (Deshayes, 1854) (Bivalvia: Mactridae)
Description:Department of Biology, Negros Oriental State University, Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City 6200, Negros Oriental, Philippines. *Corresponding author’s Email: vdbbio@yahoo.com
Throughout the world, bivalves play an important role in the national economy of many countries. In 2005, the contribution of bivalves to the total global trade of fish and fishery products was approximately US$ 78.9 billion (WHO, 2010). Though the contribution of the overall bivalve production to aquaculture increased, production from wild harvests exhibited a downward trend.
Author:Bantoto-Kinamot V.*
Visit Count:549