Vol. 16,No. 3, July 2017
First report of cyclopoid copepods (oithonidae) from north-eastern Arabian Sea, Karachi, Pakistan
Description:1-Center of Excellence in Marine Biology, University of Karachi-75270, Karachi, Pakistan. 2-Marine Science Division, Department of Zoology, University of Karachi-75270, Karachi, Pakistan. 3-Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran. 4-Coastal Development and Fisheries Department, Government of Balochistan. *Corresponding author's Email: sfarooqu@uok.edu.pk
Among marine communities, the importance of small species has been neglected and major attention has been paid to the larger representatives (Mazzochi and Paffenhoper, 1998). Small copepods are now assigned as a significant component within marine food webs (Tuner, 2004). Their ecological habitat comprises estuarine, pelagic and coastal environments.Oithona plays a vital role as a food source for other copepods, Chaetognaths, fish larvae and planktivorous fishes.
Visit Count:437